Lots of booming thunder that could wake most the deep sleepers even. I swear the thunder was so loud it shook the heavens as well as my house while I was up and unning around trying to close windows. The wind was furiously whipping vertical blinds and billowing the sheer curtains all the while the rain was coming in slantwise.
Missy (the smallest of my two Bichon's) was cringed curled up next to me on the lazy boy, her little body just a shaking while the storm pummeled the house. While CeeCee on the other hand (my tomboy Bichon) was curled up on the other end of the lazyboy couch, sleeping soundly through this, her doggy snore barely heard thru the storm, oh how envious I was of her to be able to sleep during this.
The rain continued for hours, I mean hours with no time for it to slide gradually off the roof into the gutters nope, this came down fast and furious for the first hour and a half. Of course that took out the Satellite with it hitting the dish so hard, thankfully I had some movies DVR'd to keep me occupied during this storm, for there was no sleep for me. I ran out at one point to put the umbrella on the deck in the 'down' position praying the wind would not tip over the glass table, just wishing for it to let up already!
There was a slight hiccup where I thought, whew finally and then it started all over again and I'm thinking to myself 'oh my poor gardens', will the flowers survive, what about all the baby veggies that are struggling to survive this very wet spring (now into summer almost but it still feels like a wet spring with April showers). The rain continued as it slowed a bit, the thunder died down but that darn rain just continued. Needless to say I could just close my eyes and go to sleep right now, right ehre at my desk dang it. Hope the dogs are curled up getting some sleep at home because I know I did not go up to my bed until 5 a.m.finally
Anyhow this morning I awoke to the birds chirpping, the two dogs tentatively tip toed out into the very soggy back yard, with tons of branches, leaves, pods from the trees (yuk), not to mention the puddles of water everywhere. Even on the deck it felt slimy under my feet (not a good sign I'm thinking knowing we've had way too much rain this year already it's turning to slime on the wood again yuk!). If there was anywhere for water to pool or gather you bet it did just that from planters to chairs. Fun, NOT, just glad it has stopped raining finally or at least for now. The radio just said that we have more severe storms planned later this afternoon, great, again NOT! I see the sun has never made it out today, for through the basement windows here in my office it's gray and depressing again, dang it I put the umbrella on the deck back in the 'up' position to dry it out, stupid stuipid me, thinking that the sun that was peeking out was going to make it today. Heck glad I emptied pots, planters, etc. that were all over the deck already overflowing with rain water. All the while I kept thinking about my gardens, both my flowers and vegetable garden. Wondering just what will survive through this onslaught yet to come on top of last nite's storm. Oh those poor seedlings... so this is how my day started just at midnite and all I can say right now is thank God it is truly Friday! Oh great the radio just now said the storm that they were guessing around 3 pm to hit is now getting closer around 10 am with 80 mph winds oh shoot oh shoot my house, walls, carpet, yikes! Why did I ever open the windows back up again shoot oh shoot!
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