Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow a warm (hot) day today but thank goodness for the breezes...

Oh I have to share this right away about a great contest going on for those of you who are into paper crafting of any sorts.  I'm always keeping up with my fav site where I get my kewl svg files, they are sharing the word about the site PumpkinCardCrafts  where you can find the absolute best deals on Sure Cuts A Lot 2 , they are located at:   so be sure to check them out and don't forget you too can take part in the contest by posting about it, so just go to  to find out more!

Back to my note...

Today started as a cool breezy day after the late nite thunderstorms.  Unlike yesterday's in the 90's with humidity that made breathing unbearable outside, even the dogs made sure they were somewhere cool and in the shade, even the puppy pool had even turned to bathtub temp ughhh at least today that was cleaned with nice ice cold water for them should they venture outside later to take a dip :) yes my doggies have a lil swimming pool if they wanna take a dip lol.  One of my Bichon's named  Missy does this little like dance almost real slowly she jumps over the edge into the water then she lowers her chest into the water and arches her back and slides it forward in the water, then she lowers her neck and muzzle into the water almost up to her eyes (yep nose underwater) and blows bubbles cooling herself off  then she slowly brings her head and neck out of the water with her chest area still lowered and then she slowly stands up straight again, jumps back out and shakes off, looking around for a towel to roll on it's really quite a site, I always wish I had my cell handy when she does it so I could take a quick video of it for those who don't believe me lol.  (I want to come back as one of my doggies in my next life with an owner just like me!)

Just wanted to add this quik note here today after having a rough afternoon at the dentist yesterday my poor mouth is still so swollen, jaws aching and I swear I can feel where the injections were made to numb me up shiver will always despise the dentist, sorry just a fact, after all my navy years where they schedule you appts. on or around your bday what a fun way to start each year, right???? NOT lol okay enuff of that, time to get offline, have a great evening everyone and don't forget to check out the sites above if you are at all into paper crafting!

Take care

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We had sunshine today!

Wow yippee, we finally had a day of sunshine!  It was so unreal to see bright blue sky this morning on my way into work, even though later in the day the clouds came but most the day is was high 70's and sunshine.

That meant that the yard was pretty much almost kinda dried out enough to mow when I got home from work, whew talk about long grass, no wonder when the doggies came in from outside there were always soaking wet, I had not realized just how long it had gotten the past week with the rain every single day, literally it was awful.

I know my sis down a state below me (2 hrs away) was also in the same rain path and she was just as tired of it as I.  I'm sure there were others but for me, that dang metal in my back speaks volumes when it rains and/or snows. The barometric pressure does hellacious things pain wise lol to say the very least!

That also means now that the dang earwigs are out in full force another big UGH to say the very least those suckers give me the creeps big time.  Everything you lift or move they are there and they give me the shivers as much as wood ticks do yuk!

Okay back to some cards I need to get made as well as I have demo time on Saturday using the Cricut line (minus the cake machine) and have to come up with some awesome projects to show and do while there for all the customers to stop by and check out, ask questions, I love the contact with so many interesting people looking for creative ways to vent!

Oh yes I do know that more rain is in the forecast but they say it is supposed to be nice on the weekend but of course I'm working both days so that makes for a short time off from the regular job lol oh well...

Time for me to end right now, change out the ice pack on my two broken toes since mowing all that yard really aggravated them all over again.   Later!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another rainy day....

Wow another rainy day here, the past two weeks we have had enough rain to drown any rats running around to say the least!

On a brand new laptop here, my trusty Toshiba finally took a dive, big time.  I guess 6 years and a major upgrade last year gave it more life that is expected for computers these days, so now I'm on a new learning curve with this fantastic HP OMG it's just too awesome and amazing that the cost was 1/2 that of my Toshiba years ago, freaky how much the prices have come down over the years, can't wait to already increase the RAM and hard drive in this baby IF and when I have to lol.

Well a bad day pain wise for me I can hardly move, sitting here curled up on the couch with the heating pad on high hitting my tailbone area, time almost to get ready for work, actually going in a bit late letting my meds take the edge off hopefully so far they are not helping but hey that's life right for those of us who are affected by rain and snow living each day with metal and broken metal in my case at my tailbone (fusion gone bad).  

Just wanted to get a note out since it's been so long once again since I added a post, I'm behind in just about every craft or sewing project thanks to all the yard work with this rain that takes my time once I get home from the day job or job 2 I should say I'm usually exhausted and painfully doubled over so then I once again curl up to relax and end up falling a sleep lol.

Hope everyone has a great day and better week...


Monday, May 10, 2010

Fantastic Giveaway at Obsessed with Scrapbooking!!!

Oh my goodness I will have to check out this great scrapbooking giveaway over at 

This is one of the best scrapbooking sites ever specializing in the Cricut line (my other fav is Everyday Cricut which is a sister site lol) I follow them religiously on my Black Berry during the day while at work lol just wish I could always sign onto a real computer to more often to keep up this way.

Believe it or not but they just hit over a million visitors so that tells you just how busy it is so congrats accomplishment!

Anyhow, if you are into scrapbooking, card making, etching glass, working with vinyl, cake decorating oh my gosh I could just go on and on about the uses of the Cricut line but I won't they do a wonderful job at Obsessed with Scrapbooking so I'll let you visit them to see for yourself the examples created, beautiful ideas shared, hints and tips, how-to videos and so so much more!  
             So come on and check it out!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

blog test

Wow another way to put my thoughts to pen so to speak...this just a test to see how. It works lol!



Another weekend gone by way too fast...

Boy oh boy do the weekends ever go fast when one works both days...sigh guess I'm never going to get laundry done.

Oh well at least I got caught up with emails and twitter, facebook, myspace, etc., all those places that my sons and granddaughters pictures and hints of their lives show up since they are distantly not here.

Saw snow today for a bit, YUK when will this crap ever go away and let springtime come please oh please hurry I cannot stand it.  At least the days are lighter out longer now, come 6 pm it's dark these days vice 4:30 lol.

Just printed a few pics of Kenadie from her 3rd birthday spent in CA at Disney, what a little princess she is, hope they are able to come out in a month or so like Josh (daddy) is planning since it's been almost a year and a half already whew time has flown by.

Okay time to quit for now, ciao!