Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mid December Already...

OMG how can it be that it's already the middle of December, I have not gotten my package off to CA for my son and granddaughter out there yet yikes...

I had not even gotten into the baking this winter, it seems harder and harder as the house is empty and no family nearby to come visit so it's like heck not going to make things for I'll just be forced to eat em myself yikes! Or share it with the two doggies but then that does them no good either lol that's one thing none of us need to get 'fluffy'.

Have some of my shopping done anyhow, not that there's much to shop with moo-la wise lol I know everyone is really feeling it just grateful for a roof over my head and job I guess.

However this weather I could gladly do without that's for sure, the storm we had this week was god awful literally from traffic to 17" OVERNITE and it sucked I'm still trying to shovel my driveway out so I can get in and out better, there was just too much of it and I don't own a snow blower just a few shovels. When I bought this house almost 12 yrs ago I had a back without metal and broken metal in there lol and was hale and hearty also had two growing boys at home to help lol oh how the years go by and things change so not fair. I'd love to win the lottery and be able to just pack up and move somewhere southwestern again.

Why did I ever leave sunny San Diego I'll never figure it out, oh yeah to be near family lol but the rest of the nieces and nephews have also flown my sister's coup and went back to CA as mine have done (well one of mine did anyhow lol).

Enough for now, time for me to check out the new cartridge I got today on-sale at Joann's :) fun oh fun wish I could afford more tho sigh...oh well thanks for letting me vent!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wow where have the months gone???

Wow I just realized how many months have gone by before I have taken the time to sit down and jot a few notes about life. But then again life is passing way too fast, from not dating to working too much to never having enough time for the fun stuff... oh well the snow is coming so I guess that means evenings of sleeping, keeping warm, quilting, working on some designs w/the Cricut and stuff IF I ever get motivated.